The Men’s Ministry at First United’s goal is to assist our men in developing a zeal for God in all areas of their life. With the support of the mature brothers, the young men are mentored in conducting their lives to reflect the Omni-presence of God internally, which ultimately will be manifested externally in the church and at home. As the men are the head of the home, their presence is vital for the success of the family structure. Men are commanded to love their wives as Christ also loved the church (Eph 5:23 & 25).
The mission and goal of the Ministry is centered around volunteerism. Our brothers help the fatherless and widows in times of need. Additionally, they also ensure the upkeep of the church by joining hands to repair, renovate, and, or expand the Sanctuary. They are always willing to share their talent; reflective of the time, energy, and expertise, to accomplish a cause.
It is the desire of the Ministry to move forward as “Onward Christian Soldiers,” in acquiring the goals set forth, knowing that their strength cometh from the Lord and His blessings are always with them.
God Bless!