“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.” Matt 5:16
The good works of various women are reflected in the Bible. The Women’s Ministry at First United Church of Jesus Christ endeavors to follow these examples and continue to do great works that will glorify God. The goal of the Women’s Ministry is to be one of the pillars in the church that will impact lives, affect change and lead many to Christ.
The women in the church engage in various roles, including the capacity of hospitality, service, encouraging, preaching, teaching, mentoring, empowering each other and spreading the Gospel to others. One of the greatest attributes of this ministry is that we are fervent in prayer. In keeping with the vision that our Pastor received, to “let the women pray,” the women come together weekly in prayer and cry out to God for the nation, the sick and shut-in, the children, the church and our Pastor; also, for souls to be saved. In addition, there is also an annual prayer conference where pertinent issues are addressed and brought before the Lord in corporate prayer. We realize that only what we do for Christ will last, so we continue, with zeal, to do the works of God and to spread this great Gospel to the world.
Women’s Ministry.